Documents We Certify Include:
Certificates of origin
A Certificate of Origin (CO) is a document attesting that goods exported in a shipment have been wholly obtained, produced, manufactured or processed in a particular country. COs may be requested by customs administrations, importers, freight forwarders or banks for clearance of letters of credit.
Non-Preferential CO
A non-preferential certificate of origin is a document attesting the origin of goods in a particular shipment, when the goods either do not meet the requirements stipulated in a free-trade agreement, or are destined to a territory that does not have a bilateral or multilateral free trade agreement with Canada.
For all other documents, including:
- Visa letter to Saudi Arabia
- Confirmation of Business Registration
- Representational Agreement
- Export Registry to Türkiye
- Commercial Invoice
- Packing List
Our Requirements:
All documents presented to us for certification must be:
- Issued by a Canadian company in either English or French
- Accompanied by:
- A Letter of Waiver (valid for 2 years)
- Proof of a company’s registration in Canada with the federal or provincial/territorial government. Click here to see what documents are accepted as proof
- Submitted online
Certificates of Origin
For certificates of origin, proof of origin will be required. For non-preferential certificates of origin, proof may be in the form of:
When goods are produced in Canada by the exporter:
A duly signed manufacturer’s or producer’s declaration on the company’s letterhead detailing the goods manufactured. (CCC template must be used and can be valid for two years); OR
Valid factory/official license issued by government entity providing reference is made to the manufacturing operations.
When goods are manufactured or produced in Canada by a company other than the exporter:
A duly signed and dated invoice by an authorized representative of the manufacturer or supplier confirming the origin of the goods (3rd party confirmation); OR
A duly signed and dated declaration from the manufacturer or supplier on the company’s letterhead detailing the goods in question and their origin. (template can be provided and remain valid for two years)
When goods were manufactured in a foreign country:
A duly signed and dated invoice by an authorized representative of the manufacturer, or supplier, confirming the origin of the goods (3rd party confirmation); OR
A duly signed and dated declaration from the manufacturer or supplier on the company’s letterhead (in English or in French) detailing the goods in question and their origin; OR
A foreign Certificate of Origin duly certified by a recognized Chamber of Commerce.
When goods were bought from a third party:
A duly signed and dated statement from that party, on their company’s letterhead, declaring the origin of the goods in question.
When goods refer to cars:
Proof of origin and ownership/VIN confirmation must be available for review. Additional documents may be required such as ‘Proof of purchase’, New Vehicle Information Statement (NVIS) or Certificates of Origin from the manufacturer of the vehicles (i.e. Ford Motors).
Please allow sufficient time for the review and certification of your documents. Please scan and email multi-page documents, non-routine documents, or background documents for review to importexportservices@chamber.ca before getting them notarized and submitting them. Non-routine documents will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Multi-page/high volume requests can be processed the same day provided they are submitted online no later than 3:00 p.m. ET for Full Service. We will certify DIY documents up until 4:30 p.m. ET.
Global Affairs Requirements
Any documents that require authentication from Global Affairs, other than Certificates of Origin, must be notarized by a notary public or commissioner of oaths. Having a letter of waiver on file with us is insufficient.
Documents That Are Not Certified by the Canadian Chamber:
(Not an all-inclusive list)
- Certificates of Value (can be obtained from freight forwarders)
- Certificates of Composition or Analysis (weights/materials, etc.)
- Certificates of Insurance
- Certificates of Fumigation
- Certificates of Free Sale; for Certificates of Free Sale for Natural health products (NHPs), Over-the-Counter products (OTCs), Disinfectant, Medical devices, and Low-risk veterinary health products, go to: certificates.chpcanada.ca
- Confirmation of Price Lists
- Documents issued by the federal or provincial/territorial governments
- Documents issued by foreign entities (government, company, etc.)
- Documents with references to quality or human consumption